Cybersecurity Compliance

Cybersecurity Compliance

Cybersecurity compliance is the practice of conforming to established standards, regulations, and laws to protect digital information and systems from cybersecurity threats. By implementing specific policies, procedures, and controls, organizations meet the requirements set by various governing bodies. This enables these organizations to demonstrate their commitment to cybersecurity best practices and legal mandates. Why Is … Read more

Internet of Things

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of physical devices, vehicles, appliances, and other physical objects that are embedded with sensors, software, and network connectivity, allowing them to collect and share data. IoT devices—also known as “smart objects”—can range from simple “smart home” devices like smart thermostats, to wearables like smartwatches and RFID-enabled … Read more

Data Breaches

Data Breaches

A data breach is the release of confidential, private, or otherwise sensitive information into an unsecured environment. A data breach can occur accidentally, or as the result of a deliberate attack. Data breaches are a major security concern because sensitive data is constantly being transmitted over the Internet.  How Does a Data Breach Happen? A data … Read more

Application Security

Application Security

Application security aims to protect software application code and data against cyber threats. You can and should apply application security during all phases of development, including design, development, and deployment. Use security systems such as firewalls, web application firewalls (WAF), and intrusion prevention systems (IPS). Why is application security important? If your organization handles customer … Read more

Physical Security

Physical Security

Physical security measures can include a combination of access control locks, alarms, surveillance cameras, lighting systems and other security measures. It’s important for businesses because advanced security can protect businesses from financial losses due to theft, misuse, or vandalism, as well as potential damage to your reputation. It also helps ensure that employees are safe and … Read more

Information Technology (IT) vs Operational Technology (OT) Cybersecurity

Information Technology (IT) vs Operational Technology (OT) Cybersecurity

 Operational Technology (OT) Operational technology (OT) uses hardware and software to manage industrial equipment and systems. OT controls high-tech specialist systems, like those found in the energy, industrial, manufacturing, oil and gas, robotics, telecommunications, waste control, and water control industries. Industrial control systems (ICS) are one of the most prominent forms of OT. They control … Read more

Endpoint Security

Endpoint Security

Endpoint security is the process of protecting devices like workstations, servers, and other devices (that can accept a security client) from malicious threats and cyberattacks. Endpoint security software enables businesses to protect devices that employees use for work purposes or servers that are either on a network or in the cloud from cyber threats. Why endpoint security is … Read more



Cyber security refers to every aspect of protecting an organization and its employees and assets against cyber threats. As cyberattacks become more common and sophisticated and corporate networks grow more complex, a variety of cyber security solutions are required to mitigate corporate cyber risk. Why is cybersecurity important? In today’s connected world, everyone benefits from … Read more

Network Security

Network security

Every company or organization that handles a large amount of data, has a degree of solutions against many cyber threats. This is a broad, all-encompassing phrase that covers software and hardware solutions, as well as procedures, guidelines, and setups for network usage, accessibility, and general threat protection. The most basic example of Network Security is password … Read more

Cyber Threat Intelligence

Cyber Threat Intelligence

Cyber threat intelligence is a flexible, dynamic technology that uses data collection and analysis gleaned from threat history to block and remediate cyber attacks on the target network. The threat intelligence itself is not a hardware-based solution. Rather, this strategic intelligence involves tactics techniques and procedures and forms a crucial component of an organization’s overall security architecture. … Read more