Cybersecurity Mesh

Cybersecurity Mesh

Gartner defines cybersecurity mesh architecture (CSMA) as “a composable and scalable approach to extending security controls, even to widely distributed assets. Its flexibility is especially suitable for increasingly modular approaches consistent with hybrid multicloud architectures. CSMA enables a more composable, flexible, and resilient security ecosystem. Rather than every security tool running in a silo, a … Read more

Enterprise Security

Enterprise Security

Enterprise security consists of the strategies and procedures an organization uses to defend itself from bad actors. Bad actors might be external hackers, or they could be internal employees and contractors. Both small and large businesses should use enterprise-level security best practices and cybersecurity defenses to stop attackers from exploiting their unknown vulnerabilities and stealing … Read more

Cloud Security

Cloud Security

Cloud security is a collection of procedures and technology designed to address external and internal threats to business security. Organizations need cloud security as they move toward their digital transformation strategy and incorporate cloud-based tools and services as part of their infrastructure. As enterprises embrace these concepts and move toward optimizing their operational approach, new … Read more

Mobile Security

Mobile Security

Mobile security, also known as wireless security, refers to the measures taken to protect smartphones, tablets, laptops, smartwatches and other portable computing devices and the networks they connect to, from threats and vulnerabilities associated with wireless computing. The goal of mobile security is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data stored or transmitted by mobile devices. Mobile … Read more

Web Application Security

Web Application Security

Web application security (also known as Web AppSec) is the idea of building websites to function as expected, even when they are under attack. The concept involves a collection of security controls engineered into a Web application to protect its assets from potentially malicious agents. It involves leveraging secure development practices and implementing security measures … Read more

AI Cybersecurity

AI Cybersecurity

AI has revolutionized the way IT security professionals think about cybersecurity. Newer AI-powered cybersecurity  tools and systems have the ability to support providing even better data protection against threats by quickly recognizing behavior patterns, automating processes, and detecting anomalies. AI in Cybersecurity AI powered cybersecurity can monitor, analyze detect, and respond to cyber threats in real time. As … Read more

Cybersecurity Management

Cybersecurity Management

Cybersecurity management refers to an organization’s strategic efforts to safeguard information resources. It focuses on the ways businesses leverage their security assets, including software and IT security solutions, to safeguard business systems.  These resources are increasingly vulnerable to internal and external security threats such as industrial espionage, theft, fraud, and sabotage. Cybersecurity management must employ … Read more

Email Security

Email security

mail (short for electronic mail) is a digital method by using it we exchange messages between people over the internet or other computer networks. With the help of this, we can send and receive text-based messages, often an attachment such as documents, images, or videos, from one person or organization to another. In this article, … Read more

Data Security

Data security

Data security is the process of safeguarding digital information throughout its entire life cycle to protect it from corruption, theft, or unauthorized access. It covers everything—hardware, software, storage devices, and user devices; access and administrative controls; and organizations’ policies and procedures. Data security uses tools and technologies that enhance visibility of a company’s data and how it … Read more